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Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms


Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms


Blue meanie mushrooms (Panaeolus cyanescens, formerly Copelandia cyanescens) — also known as “blue meanies” — are a highly potent species of psilocybin mushroom. You will notice, however, that the first part of its scientific name (Panaeolus) is different from other species of magic mushrooms (e.g. Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata). This is because it belongs to a different genus. Mushrooms from the genus Panaeolus are common, and they grow all over the world in tropical and temperate environments.


Buy Blue Meanies Mushroom Online In USA

Blue meanie mushrooms (Panaeolus cyanescens, formerly Copelandia cyanescens) — also known as “blue meanies” — are a highly potent species of psilocybin mushroom. Buy Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms You will notice, however, that the first part of its scientific name (Panaeolus) is different from other species of magic mushrooms (e.g. Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata). This is because it belongs to a different genus. Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms from the genus Panaeolus are common, and they grow all over the world in tropical and temperate environments.

Yet while Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms do not belong to the genus Psilocybe (as most magic mushrooms do), they still contain the same psychedelic compounds: psilocybin and psilocin. Many users seek out blue meanies mushroom because they are one of the most potent magic mushrooms, so you don’t need to take as much to achieve desired effects.

Blue Meanie Psilocybin Mushrooms For Sale

Are Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms strong? The short answer is an emphatic “yes”. But you’ll likely want to know just how strong they are.

Albert Hofmann (the Swiss chemist who first synthesized LSD) analyzed Panaeolus cyanescens in the 1960s (they were then known as Copelandia cyanescens). He found they had high concentrations of psilocin but only slight quantities of psilocybin.

High concentrations of psilocin mean that the effects of blue meanies may come on relatively quickly. This is because psilocin is the psychoactive chemical that causes psychedelic effects, whereas psilocybin is a prodrug that the body metabolizes into psilocin after ingestion.

It is often reported that blue meanies are two to three times the strength of Psilocybe cubensis. But there is little data to support such claims. T.C. Stivje, in 1992, found that they were variable in their potency. They can contain 0.17 to 0.95 percent psilocin and 0.16 to 0.19 psilocybin. Psilocybe cubensis, for comparison, has been found to have concentrations of psilocin and psilocybin ranging from 0.14 and 0.42 percent and 0.37 and 1.30 percent, respectively.

However, research from 2010 — based on commercially grown magic mushrooms seized by German customs authorities — reveals that the highest total amounts of psilocin were detected in dried Panaeolus cyanescens, reaching up to 3.00+/-0.24 mg per 100 mg. This makes modern commercially cultivated strains of this species the most potent psychedelic mushroom ever described in published research.

The above discussion shows that there may be some uncertainty regarding just how potent blue meanies are. Nonetheless, a good rule of thumb is that they are generally quite potent. This means you should take a lower dosage of them compared to less potent species of magic mushrooms (assuming you want a similar intensity of effects).

For example, Erowid lists the following dosages for Psilocybe cubensis, a medium strength psilocybin mushroom:

  • Light: 0.25-1 g
  • Common: 1-2.5 g
  • Strong: 2.5-5 g
  • Heavy: 5+ g

Based on the levels of potency that blue meanies can reach, it is generally recommended to take half the normal dose of Psilocybe cubensis, and see what the effects are like.

With this in mind, as well as Erowid’s dosage recommendations for Psilocybe cubensis, the following dosages for blue meanie mushrooms are a good rule of thumb:

  • Light: 0.15-0.5 g
  • Common: 0.5-1.5 g
  • Strong: 1.5-2.5 g
  • Heavy: 2.5+ g

Panaelous Cyanescens Effects

When you consume blue meanie mushrooms, you can experience a range of perceptual, emotional, physical, and mystical effects. They also vary depending on your set and setting, and the dosage that you take. Let’s look at the kind of experience you can expect from different dosages:

Buy Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms Effects At A Low Dose (0.15-0.5 g)

Perceptual Effects

  • Colors become slightly brighter
  • The edges of objects appear more distinct
  • Things look as if they’re in high definition
  • The features of objects moving slightly
  • Music and external sounds have a different quality to them

Emotional Effects

  • Positive mood
  • Calmness
  • Anxiety
  • Increased appreciation for music

Physical Effects

  • A slight feeling of nausea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Increase heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature
  • A light body high

Buy Blue Meanies Magic Mushrooms Effects At A Medium Dose (0.5-1.5 g)

Perceptual Effects

  • Colors become noticeably enhanced and vivid
  • Objects move, morph, and “breathe”
  • You can see geometric patterns overlaid on objects and the environment, as well as behind closed eyelids
  • You can see tracers (trails left behind moving objects, similar to those seen in long exposure photography)
  • Synesthesia: When different sense perceptions become mixed, so you can see sounds and hear colors, for example
  • Sounds become noticeably distorted

Emotional Effects

  • Euphoria (including when listening to music)
  • Empathy
  • Anxiety, fear, dread, or panic
  • A feeling of contentment or peace of mind
  • Gratitude
  • Paranoia

Physical Effects

  • Nausea (this feeling of uneasiness in the stomach usually only lasts at the beginning of the trip)
  • Sometimes vomiting
  • More dilated pupils
  • A further increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature
  • Perspiration
  • A stronger body high
  • Muscle weakness

Blue Meanie Mushroom Effects At A High Dose (1.5-2.5 g)

Perceptual Effects

  • Visions of imagery, scenes, and entities (both with eyes opened or closed)
  • Seeing objects and people morph in intense and strange ways
  • Strong geometric and fractal hallucinations
  • Auditory hallucinations

Emotional Effects

  • Ecstasy
  • Bliss
  • Boundless love
  • Intense feelings of gratitude
  • A strong feeling of euphoria and joy when listening to music
  • Intense states of dread or despair
  • A feeling of sacredness

Physical Effects

  • Strong nausea
  • A greater chance of vomiting
  • An intense body high
  • Loss of coordination (this is why it’s important to have a trip sitter when taking a high dose, as they can ensure that you don’t jeopardize your physical safety in any way)

A Strong Dose Of Blue Meanies Mushroom Can Induce Mystical Effects

If you take a high dose of magic mushrooms, and potentially if you take a medium dose, you can experience mystical effects, which classically include:

  • A feeling of unity (also known as oneness)
  • Noetic quality: The feeling of gaining insightful knowledge, experienced at an intuitive level. You may have the sense of encountering ultimate reality
  • A sense of sacredness or reverence
  • Positive mood: Feelings of peace, tranquility, ecstasy, awe, or joy
  • Transcendence of time and space: you may have the sense of being “outside time”, being in a realm with no spatial boundaries, or existing in a timeless state
  • Ineffability: You feel that you cannot adequately describe the experience in words

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Duration Of Blue Meanies Mushroom Effects

A blue meanie mushroom trip will generally last between 4-6 hours. This duration is pretty consistent. In clinical trials involving psilocybin, most sessions will last up to six hours. After this time, the participants will no longer experience any psychedelic effects.

But the duration of a psilocybin experience for any individual depends on a few factors:

  • Dosage: Taking a low dose of magic mushrooms could result in a trip lasting only a few hours, whereas consuming a high dose could lead to a six-hour experience.
  • Method of Consumption: It takes around 30 minutes for shrooms to kick in. But you can quicken this process through lemon tekking — it is believed the citric acid in the lemon juice breaks down the mushroom material, saving your body some time it would otherwise spend breaking it down. The lemon tek method may result in a faster onset and a stronger and shorter journey than eating dried mushrooms as they are.
  • Eating psilocybin mushrooms on an empty stomach can lead to a faster onset than consuming them on a full stomach.
  • Cannabis may elongate a magic mushroom trip if you smoke it towards the end of the experience. This is because cannabis tends to potentiate the effects of psychedelics. Not everyone may experience this effect, however.

Psilocybin mushrooms have neither long-lasting nor short-lasting effects. Here is the duration of other psychedelics, so you can get a better sense of this:

  • DMT: 5-30 minutes
  • 5-MeO-DMT: 15-45 minutes
  • LSD: 8-14 hours
  • Mescaline: 8-16 hours
  • Ibogaine: 8-24 hours

The duration of a mushroom trip is comparable to that of ayahuasca (also 4-6 hours). For many users, 4-6 hours of tripping is ideal; it means the experience is easier to fit into a day and less likely to interrupt sleep than, say, mescaline or LSD. But it is also not quick and short-lived like the DMT or 5-MeO-DMT experience, so there’s still plenty of time to digest what is happening.

Additional information


1 gram, 3.5 grams, 7grams, 14 grams, 28 grams


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